Example ABAP code for Filter data of table control *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Form F_filter_data *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * By Oka Wirasatha *---------------------------------------------------------------------* form F_FILTER_DATA . field-symbols : <selected_col> type CXTAB_COLUMN. data : LW_COLS like TC_ITEM-COLS. data : GT_FIELDCAT type LVC_T_FCAT. data LAYO type LVC_S_LAYO. data : GT_FILTER_INDEX type LVC_T_FIDX, LT_SELCOL type table of LVC_S_COL with header line. data : LT_FILT type LVC_T_FILT, LW_FILT type LVC_S_FILT, LT_LAYOUT type LVC_S_LAYO. * find out if a column is selected. loop at TC_ITEM-COLS assigning <selected_col>. if <selected_col...
Steps in LIS EXTRACTION: T.code - :MC18 – create field catalog 1. Characteristic Catalog Application-01-Sales and Distribution, 02-Purchasing, 03-Inventory Controlling, etc.. Catalog category 1. Characteristic catalog, 2. Key figures catalog 3. Date catalog Select characteristic catalog and enter, click on characteristic select the source table and it will be display the relevant source field and select the source field, copy + close, copy. Save, similarly create key figures catalog T.code : MC21 – create infostructure Example – Inforstructure : S789 Application – 01 Choose characteristic select the catalog, select the fields, copy + close Choose key figures catalog select the key figures ,copy + close, save and generate T.code – MC24 – create updating Infostructure : S789 Update group : 01- Sales document, delivery, billing document ,enter Select the key figures click on rules for key figures give suggest rules, copy save and generate Click on updating (activate updatin...
when i am try find BAPI for change prince on search engine, I'm Found BAPI_M_REVAL_CREATEPRICECHANGE but in this BAPI block by statement .... * Im Standard deaktiviert error_flag = 'X'. IF ( NOT error_flag IS INITIAL ). EXIT. ENDIF. ..... Why ?? until now I don't no why this BAPI is block !!. My solution is just copy to Z_BAPI .. and remove that statement and running well. Note : minimal required for parameters table MATERIAL_PRICE_LIST is plant = ft_list-werks. material = ft_list-matnr. curr_type = '10'. IF ft_list-vprsv = 'S'. change_std_price = 'X'. std_price = ft_list-nstpr * 100. ELSE. change_mov_price = 'X'. moving_pr = ft_list-nstpr * 100. ENDIF. currency = ft_list-waers. iso_code = ft_list-waers. price_unit = ft_list-peinh. quantity_unit = ft_list-meins. isocode_unit = ft_list-meins. hope can help for change price (MR21).