ABAP Dialog Programming : Set Filter data of Table Control
Example ABAP code for Filter data of table control *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Form F_filter_data *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * By Oka Wirasatha *---------------------------------------------------------------------* form F_FILTER_DATA . field-symbols : <selected_col> type CXTAB_COLUMN. data : LW_COLS like TC_ITEM-COLS. data : GT_FIELDCAT type LVC_T_FCAT. data LAYO type LVC_S_LAYO. data : GT_FILTER_INDEX type LVC_T_FIDX, LT_SELCOL type table of LVC_S_COL with header line. data : LT_FILT type LVC_T_FILT, LW_FILT type LVC_S_FILT, LT_LAYOUT type LVC_S_LAYO. * find out if a column is selected. loop at TC_ITEM-COLS assigning <selected_col>. if <selected_col...