SAP R/3 Enhancements

Some special features allow you wide modifications without changing standard SAP R/3 objects. Those techniques are not as widespread as they should be. In fact they are powerful tools.

  • Field exit
    After entering a value in a field, it can be checked through a field exit. The system makes the field value available to be checked and changed in an ABAP/4 function.
  • User exit
    Points previously set in the system that let you evaluate data. The fields available are also previously defined by SAP. All fields value available can be checked in an ABAP/4 program.
  • Validation
    It allows solid data entry regarding special rules. According to previous rules, the system can evaluate an entry and a message can appear on the user's terminal if a check statement is not met. A validation step contains prerequisite statement and check statement. Both of them are defined using Boolean Logic or calling an ABAP/4 form.
  • Substitution
    Fields contents can be changed using substitution. When data are being entered, the data can be substituted by another value regarding rules previously defined. A substitution step contains prerequisite statement, substitution value and substitution exit. All of them are defined using Boolean Logic or calling an ABAP/4 form.
  • Set
    Values or ranges of values are specified under a set name. Sets are easier to create and maintain instead of using tables. They give you more flexibility when maintaining your system.
  • Key words
    It allows changes on field description according to data element. The short key word used on most screen to identify the corresponding field contents can be changed too.
  • Requirements & formulas
    ABAP/4 forms that can be used to handle pricing procedures, rounding rules, copy and data transport Sales activities.


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