
Showing posts from April, 2011

Add fields for Substitutions In Accounting Document (OBBH)

How to add new fields Cost Center (KOSTL) for substitutions in accounting transaction ? Modify view VWTYGB01 in SM30 where boolclass = '009' and classtype = 'S' and bcltab = 'BSEG' and bclfield = 'KTOSL'  untick fields BEXCLUDE Running Report RGUGBR00 and fill Application area with 'FI' and tick item that you want to generate. Now fields KOSTL will be turn up in Substitution. hope it's helpful

Why in New GL Receive Asset From PO posted to Dummy PC

I have experience when try to receive asset from PO (MIGO/MB01) FI posted for line item asset fill profit center Dummy. I'm check setting in material master and asset master data to find is profit center / cost center right value and noting wrong. Finally I'm try to debug the program and I'm found even in substitution we change profit center to right value but after step substitution the profit center value change again to Dummy PC, this step read from table V_T8A30 (3KEH). Correction this problem just setting derivation role for profit center in tcode 3KEI. After setting this derivation role, my FI document fill right profit center. Summary : Even in new GL this classic setting have to customizing. Cheers Oka