
Showing posts from September, 2009

SAP Bapi Price Change (MR21)

when i am try find BAPI for change prince on search engine, I'm Found BAPI_M_REVAL_CREATEPRICECHANGE but in this BAPI block by statement .... * Im Standard deaktiviert error_flag = 'X'. IF ( NOT error_flag IS INITIAL ). EXIT. ENDIF. ..... Why ?? until now I don't no why this BAPI is block !!. My solution is just copy to Z_BAPI .. and remove that statement and running well. Note : minimal required for parameters table MATERIAL_PRICE_LIST is plant = ft_list-werks. material = ft_list-matnr. curr_type = '10'. IF ft_list-vprsv = 'S'. change_std_price = 'X'. std_price = ft_list-nstpr * 100. ELSE. change_mov_price = 'X'. moving_pr = ft_list-nstpr * 100. ENDIF. currency = ft_list-waers. iso_code = ft_list-waers. price_unit = ft_list-peinh. quantity_unit = ft_list-meins. isocode_unit = ft_list-meins. hope can help for change price (MR21).